
Personal money management ideas

Why do we need to manage our money/finance ?

In our every day’s life, finance is always important. On an average, we hit our pocket 3 to 4 times a day. Sometimes we forget where and what we spent. Basically when we check our bank balance at the end of the month, we find something low balance remained or even sometimes we spend more than we earned. So we made up our mind to spend less starting next month. But this never happens. Sometimes, we spend less  for one month and when we know that, next month we spend even more. So in that case, it becomes very important to track and manage our expenditures and earnings. Also in this consumerist society and capitalistic world, every business is nudging us to buy something, even if we don’t need that. 

If anyone read about “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” written by Robert Kiyosaki, said building wealth by investing in assets, otherwise die by doing only hard work and never obtain financial security. So when you want to spend on something we need ask 3 question to ourselves that:

  1. Buying that good really necessary?
  2. Without buying that good, we can not manage?
  3. So far how you managed without that good?

Then you decide whether to buy or not. By doing this you can save money. When you save money,  you can invest in something, you can build your own business etc.

Money management software and applications:

To save money and to make better financial decisions, we always need past data. From here expenditure tracking, you are spending on assets or liability comes into picture. So before financial literate people manage their balance sheet ( income and expenditures) in a notebook. But now time has changed. You can use various softwires, applications to manage your personal balance sheet or personal finance management applications. But sometimes these applications are too costly or you need to buy subscriptions. 

So to avoid this you can use excel sheets. But again this needs some expertise to build and sometime very hectic to open and record your spendings every time. Also you need your laptop/computer to input/record your expenditures.

Build your own money management application for free:

So what I would like to suggest is to maintain a google sheet which you can access from anywhere in the world and connect a google form to input/record your expenditures and income.

So in the next blog I will explain step by step on ‘how to build your Personal Financial Application in Google workspace’, without spending anything. It has a quick summary tab(an analytical dashboard), where you can find your financial insights . Like – what you spent, where you spend, where you invest how much, how much you earned with dynamic date filter. You can follow the below link:


Also you can purchase that offline application by paying a one -time minimal price of 499/-. To purchase you can comment below with your email id. We will contact you.

Author : Sunil Kumar Pradhan

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